Student Council

 All constituent colleges of the institution have a student council whose activities are monitored and supported by a team of faculty members as advisors. The student council is encouraged to conduct various events and activities with the intention of building their leadership qualities, interpersonal relationship and administrative capabilities. The students’ community has representation in various cells and committees of the institution to maintain transparency in its functioning. Notable committees in which students are included as members include the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Library Committee, Sports Committee, Anti ragging committee, Internal Complaints Committee and the Students Grievance cell.

The student council conducts cultural events on an annual basis in which all students participate with enthusiasm. Additionally, sports events and literary events are conducted which provides a stage for the students to express their co-curricular and extra-curricular talents. The student council also strives to maintain the decorum and standards of the institution by handholding the newly admitted students in all spheres of college life. The student council displays its responsible role by conducting various outreach activities as well as environmental friendly initiatives. To summarize, the student council strives to channelize the students to become dynamic and dependable both within and outside the campus. 

Composition of Student Council

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